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1/31/2024, 1:17:52 AMSaga Rats ᾶ Free Mint
CompletedFree MintNFT

Y'all might have remembered a vote I held in general a bit back on whether or not to post this as it was not free. Well their team discussed for a while and came back to me saying they pivoted to letting us Saga Holders enjoy their art for FREE! 🫶💯 Saga Rats ᾶ has a supply of 3557. The project features a gated Rat Racing Game currently in development and Rat Holders will be able to stake for $FOOD. Random Airdrops unannounced to holders and rev sharing once the game launches. 30% of the secondary sales will go to SagaDAO! Saga Genesis Hodlers can mint 2 for free! FCFS, starts in 30 min.
