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2/2/2024, 7:47:52 AMChronicles Free Mint
Free MintNFTWaitlist

I've posted about them here before and now we have some more info as well as some FCFS WL for Saga Holders! Chronicles is a project partnering with many of the Saga collections many of us love, such as Lonfo, Saga Monkes, Saga Hodlers, Saga Slimes and more for launch! Chronicles is developing an awesome looking D&D themed game that incorporates rerolling the stats and the type of character you decide to mint on mint day, and a cool story based game to bring it together. All their partnered projects NFTs will be able to be sent on quests within their game too! With their own stats and background stories. 💯 4000 WL Spots are open on their Subber rn, FCFS.
