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2/8/2024, 1:44:34 AMChronicle Mint
UpcomingFree MintNFTWaitlist

We have mentioned this one a few times and now have more details! Mark your Sundials, the Chronicle Genesis Mint time is set! All Saga Genesis Holders get access to the WL phase of the free mint, this begins tomorrow at 6pm EST! Public sale is 1 hour after that. There are 1500 Chronicle NFTs available in the WL (which is the total supply), it's FCFS, and 1 per wallet! The game is based around D&D and looks really interesting, you can check out some of the gameplay from a sneak peek they released on their Twitter. They also are launching with some projects we all know as launch partners such as Lonfo, Saga Monkes, Saga Slimes, Saga Hodlers and more (small amount of WL given to these projects) :100: :fire: Page will go live at: studio.metaplex.com/project/chronicle Web3 Meets D&D! All will be chronicled!
